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Education :: Classes
Sleuthing the Literary Mind
9:00 AM (America/Denver)
Why are we moved by characters and story plots that we know are fictitious? How is it that we can become immersed in “storyworlds”? The brain sciences are beginning to suggest answers to such questions. These answers reveal that reading (for example a novel or a poem) is a complex cognitive activity. Through lectures and discussion, this course will consider how recent findings from neuroscience complement literary analysis. We will concentrate on short stories, perhaps a few poems, extracts from novels, and accessible summaries of recent neuroscience research. Materials will be posted to Sharefile for those who would like to read them before each lecture. Prior knowledge of neuroscience is not required. Membership Required ($40/year). Course Fee: $70. Instructor: Chris Comer. Meets synchronously in-person and online (hybrid) on Tuesdays for 6 sessions.
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Age Group: 21+
Venue: OLLI @ UM (MOLLI)
Address: 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812
Phone: (406) 243-2905

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